Board of Governors

Local Governing Board

Meet the Governors at St Luke Church Of England Primary School

Local Governing Board Members

Alex Cann, Chair of Governors, Health and Safety and Communication

Appointed: By the Trust 24.5.21-23.4.25

Attendance 2023-2024: 6/6 meetings

Rebecca Ireland-Curtis, Headteacher, Ex officio

Appointed: June 2021

Attendance 2023-2024:6/6 meetings

 Rachel Furner and Tom O'Shea - Co Vice-Chair of Governors

 Appointed: Community Governor 1.3.21-28.2.27

 Attendance 2023-24: 6/6 meetings

Gill Ambrose, SEND/Inclusion

Appointed: Community Governor 1.3.23-28.2.27

Attendance 2023-24: 6/6 meetings

Sarah Atkins, Quality of Education (EYFS) and Wider Curriculum

Appointed: Parent Governor 24.1.22-23.1.2026

Attendance 2023-2024: 5/6 meetings

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Marion Leeper, Safeguarding

Appointed: Community Governor 3.10.22-2.10.26

Attendance 2023-2024: 5/6 meetings

Janet Bunker, Ex officio,

 SIAMS/RE/Christian Ethos

Appointed: September 2016 by Ex-Officio-Incumbent

Attendance 2023-2024: 6/6 meetings

Rachel Furner, Co Vice Chair of Governors, Quality of Curriculum Maths

Appointed: October 2018 by St Luke’s Parochial Church Council

Attendance 2023-2024: 6/6 meetings

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Tom O’Shea, Co Vice Chair of Governors, Communication, Finance

Appointed: Parent Governor 24.1.22-23.1.26

Attendance 2023-2024: 6/6 meetings

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Statutory information on school governance:

You can contact the Local Governing Board of the school by emailing the Chair of Governors at or via the school office, in person, or via or on 01223 556 879. 

Our minutes are all on GovernorHub and our clerk has access to them if required. Please contact the Chair of Governors, via the school office or for more information.

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