St Lukes School Parent Teacher Association (“PTA”) is there to support the school by organising social events for children and their parents/ carers and also to provide facilities or equipment which supports the school and advances the education of the pupils. St Luke's Parent Teacher Association is a registered charity (Charity Registration number 274460).
Trustees and committee members are elected at the annual general meeting (AGM). The date of the AGM will be announced in the school newsletter. It is held in the first term of the academic year.
Every parent / carer of a child in St Lukes school is automatically a member of the PTA, so are all members of teaching staff. The committee (elected at the AGM, but we also admit members during the year) is in charge of organising events and liaising with the school over the best use of funds.
Over the coming year we have an exciting calendar of events planned, ranging from smaller events such as cake sales to discos and our larger events such as our Christmas event and annual Summer Fair. We will send out more details about all our events – and calls for help! – nearer the time. Funds raised at these events support school trips, other school events, new IT resources as well as play equipment and arts and craft materials. We are in close contact with the headteacher to discuss the best use of the funds.
If you are interested in being involved in any way, however small, please do introduce yourself to any member of the committee. You can also come along to the AGM or any of our regular committee meetings – we are always happy to welcome new parents. We are currently looking for parents to join the PTA committee but equally as important are parents to join our group of volunteers. 1
The current members of the committee are:
Chair: Debs* (mum to Beth, Year 5)
Treasurer: Britta* (mum to Gemma, Year 5)
Secretary: (Liz*, mum to Agnes, Year 4)
Camila (mum to Connie, Year 4)
Stella (mum to Jacob, Year 6)
Nick (dad to Austin, Year 5 and Ruby, Year 4)
Glen (dad to Grace, Year 4; Freddie, Year 1; and Ellie, Reception)
Magali (mum to Apolline, Year 5)
Vicky (mum to Iris, Reception)
Also trustees If you have any questions, please approach any of us in the playground or contact
If you wish to make regular or one-off donations you can do so through the Charity Aid Foundation:
You can also support the school at no cost to your won by using “easy fundraising” when doing online.
Please don’t forget that you can support the PTA easily through your online shopping – at no cost to yourself – by using the easyfundraising website:
Donations will be made to the school PTA without costing you anything!
St. Luke’s Church Of England Primary School
Tel: 01223 566879
Primary Office Contact Person:
Office Co-ordinator
School Address:
French’s Road
DEMAT Office Address:
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