

Curriculum Overview


This guide lets you know how the curriculum supports these key goals at our school.

Our curriculum aims are:

  • To promote highest possible achievement for all pupils irrespective of race, gender, culture or disability.
  • To provide a rich range of knowledge across the whole curriculum.
  • To promote pupil’s intellectual, spiritual, creative, cultural and physical development.
  • To prepare pupils to become responsible citizens, confident, independent, healthy individuals and life-long learners.

Curriculums at St Luke’s

  • EYFS
  • The National Curriculum
  • Our Wider Curriculum
  • Curriculum Maps
Curriculum Overview


In our school we aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by our Christian ethos, which is embedded through our promotion of our social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of the curriculum and an understanding of Fundamental British Values.

For further information on how elements of the curriculum are delivered please get in contact via the school office.


The curriculum at St Luke’s places knowledge at the heart of the curriculum.

The knowledge in our curriculum is carefully chosen, sequenced in a meaningful way that enables children to progress incrementally and is highly specialised. Our curriculum is divided into subjects, recognising the identity of the disciplines we study, fostering a love for subject content that will flourish as children move through the curriculum.

Careful and thoughtful planning has allowed a curriculum that weaves important concepts such as fairness, justice, liberty, identity and power through a diverse range of contexts, in both place and time, building examples that children can draw upon as their understanding grows. The knowledge in the curriculum is cumulative, constructing firm foundations from which children can build conceptual understanding and skills over time.

Our curriculum nurtures the minds of children who will think often and deeply. Pupils will be taught meaningful content that builds on their prior knowledge. For many children, particularly those who have not gained it elsewhere, the establishment of that prior knowledge will begin with their very first lesson. Drawing on research-based cognitive science, there are carefully planned opportunities to recall and revisit vital prior knowledge and to strengthen retrieval from lesson to lesson, unit to unit and year to year. The knowledge base encourages children to infer, question, interpret, analyse, argue and reason. Most importantly, our curriculum provides children with the tools they need to participate in their own education that will continue for a lifetime.

For us, a knowledge-rich curriculum is an entitlement for every child, regardless of background. 

Our approach to having vertical year grouping is to consider carefully what the children need to have covered by the end of each Key Stage. We are currently embedding the PKC curriculum and we are creating a cohesive and exciting curriculum map, working with the PKC team to carefully consider our local context both of our exceptional locality and heritage, and of a City school with mixed age classes. Over the next 3 years this programme roll out will to provide our children with a learning experience which takes all of them onto their future stages of education with excellent knowledge, skills and understanding. 

In the Foundation Stage, the children learn through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum where the focus is on learning through play. When staff judge children to be ready they begin working on the National Curriculum. At St Luke’s CofE Primary School, we cover all aspects of the National Curriculum to enhance the learning experiences of the children.

Through the Foundation Stage, aspects of skills and knowledge from the National Curriculum are introduced in order to provide progression for the children.

The National Curriculum sets out what children should know, understand and do in each year group in the following subjects: English, Maths, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art and Design, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education. We follow a local Cambridgeshire syllabus to teach Religious Education.

Our Curriculum is more than the National Curriculum and is designed to develop subject knowledge skills and understanding and develop key social and learning skills.

We plan topics and themes which will engage children and make learning meaningful, utilsing outdoor learning where possible e.g. Forest School, to deepen the impact. These themes draw together different parts of the National Curriculum. The school also follows E4L to support pupils’ social and emotional well-being.

Please visit each subject page to find out the curriculum being taught for your child's school year.

2024-2025 Long Term Plan -All Year Groups
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