RE Curriculum Overview
Religious Education is a legal entitlement for every pupil. It forms part of the BASIC CURRICULUM (National Curriculum + RE). Its place in the school curriculum acknowledges the important role which beliefs and values play in people’s lives, regardless of any religious commitments. It also acknowledges that religious beliefs and practices play an important role in the lives of many people worldwide today as they have done throughout history. As a curriculum area, RE offers pupils an opportunity to develop a better understanding of themselves, the people around them and the world in which they live.
St Luke’s is a Voluntary Aided C of E Primary School. The Governing Body of our school has adopted the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus (2023-2028) This sets out aims and programmes of study for RE. The Diocese provides additional guidance suited to the particular needs of a Church School.
As a Church School our approach to RE supports and enhances our overall aim to provide quality education with a caring and supportive Christian environment provided in accordance with the Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus.
We believe RE is concerned with educating children about religion not about instructing them in a particular faith; this latter is the job of family or faith community.
As a Church of England Voluntary Aided School, however, we take seriously our role of presenting Christianity as a living faith. A close link with the church community is encouraged so pupils can see Christian Life, worship and commitments at first hand. We also make a point of marking the celebrations of the Christian Year.
Pupils learn about Christianity as the main religious tradition in this country and also about other principal religions represented in Britain. RE, however is not only about understanding specific religious traditions. It should offer pupils the opportunity to think about their own lives, values, attitudes or beliefs and the chance to express their thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways.
The development of positive attitudes and values is part of school life as a whole but RE has a particular contribution to make. It deals specifically with issues of belief, with things that are valuable or precious to people; as a result, the attitudes and values of staff, pupils, parents or particular religious groups are often on display or under discussion. It is therefore important that:-
At St Luke's we are starting to introduce a Trust wide RE curriculum which to meet the statutory requirements of the Locally Agreed Syllabus 2023- 2028
Being taught about how religions are practised, their artefacts, symbols and activities. Learning religious terms. Knowing about 6 main world religions practised in the UK.
Demonstrating an understanding of religious claims to answer human needs. Understanding how beliefs are expressed and how they influence peoples lives.
Recognising, considering and expressing different view points about issues within and between religions, religious beliefs and religious views on moral issues.
Called ‘Spiritual Development’ in the syllabus, this strand involves reflecting on the impact of religious beliefs on human experiences and the meaning and purpose of life
Pupils – Parents may ask for their child to be totally or partially withdrawn from RE or Collective Worship in accordance with the Education Act 1944 , sections 25(4) and 30, which was re-enacted in l988.
St. Luke’s Church Of England Primary School
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