SEND and Inclusion

SEND and Inclusion

Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends St Luke’s

What does the local offer cover?

The local offer will include information about health and social care services, education, leisure activities and support groups in the area for children and young people aged 0 – 25 with SEND and their families.

There will be information about:

  • Services and support available
  • How children and young people’s needs are identified and assessed
  • The way schools, colleges and maintained nurseries support children and young people with SEND
  • How to access services and how decisions are made
  • Preparation for adulthood and independence
  • Arrangements for making a complaint and mediation
  • How to comment on the local offer

The Department for Education’s draft SEN Code of Practice and regulations outlines the range of information to be included in the local offer.

Why is the local offer important?

The local offer will help parents, carers and young people to see clearly the range of services and support that are available in their local area and understand how to access them.

If you require any information, please contact the school’s inclusion manager, Mrs Maginnis, by email: or by phone on 01223 566879.

SEND Local Offer SEND Information Report SEND Policy

Pupils with Disabilities

Our school aims to be an inclusive school where all children have access to all aspects of school life as far as is reasonable and practical. We aim to make all our children welcome, feel happy and look forward to their school day.

The school has a policy for supporting children with special educational needs which is revised every year. This policy is available from the school office.

We endeavour to prevent disabled pupils in our school from being placed at a substantial disadvantage. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that people with disability are not treated differently. We make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils and our success in this can be judged by seeing disabled pupils participating fully in school life.

In order for effective partnership between home and school to take place, we anticipate that parents will want to:

  • Inform the school at the earliest opportunity if their child has a disability and the exact nature of it;
  • Provide the information the school needs to plan effectively for the child to be a full member of the school community;
  • Acknowledge that, when deciding whether an adjustment is reasonable, one of the factors the headteacher must consider is the effect of the proposed change on all members of the school community;
  • Recognise the importance of school and home working in partnership.

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