Children can have a school meal or bring a packed lunch of their own
The school has its own kitchen and provides an excellent variety of meals daily. Our contract caterer is Aspens.
Children who bring in a packed lunch are welcome to sit with those who have school dinners.
If your child stays for school lunch and is likely to be late to school for any reason, please contact the School Office by 9:30 to order a meal for them. Meals cannot be ordered after this time.
We have moved to electronic payments using the facilities provided by Parent Pay.
The cost of a school meal is currently £2.75. If you feel your child may be eligible for free school meals, please ask at the school office for an application form.
You are eligible if you are in receipt of the following:
All pupils in Reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal scheme.
Parents should encourage their children to eat a healthy packed lunch. Fizzy drinks, sweets, crisps, chewing gum and chocolate are not permitted.
As there are currently children in school with nut allergies, it would be appreciated if chocolate spread, peanut butter or packets of nuts were not included in your child’s packed lunch.
Lunch boxes should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and class
Reception children
From September 2014, free milk is available every day for all children aged under five as part of the national Universal Free Infant School Meals scheme. At St Luke’s, this milk is supplied by Cool Milk. In order for children to be able to receive their free milk, we are required to pass on to Cool Milk children’s names, dates of birth and parents’ contact details. Once a child turns five, parents are offered the opportunity to pay a subsidised rate for their child to continue to receive milk.
(All information handled by the Cool Milk group is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. All personal information is securely stored on Cool Milk’s UK servers and is never passed on to third parties without parents’ permission. Please let us know, if you are not happy for us to pass on your details to Cool Milk.)
Years 1 to 6
Subsidised milk is also available for years 1 to 6. Registration forms are available from the school office, or apply online at
Children aged 5-11, who are entitled to free school meals but not universal free school meals, are also entitled to free milk. Forms are available from the school office.
As a healthy mid-morning snack, we encourage children to bring fruit (fresh or dried) or raw vegetables (no sweets, chewing gum or crisps please). Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils are provided – free of charge – with a portion of fruit or vegetable each day.
For younger children, where parents wish to provide the mid-morning snack themselves, it is recommended that it is prepared for easy eating and stored in a small plastic container. Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day.
Drinking water is available on tap in every classroom. It is recommended that every child brings in an individual, labelled water bottle.
St. Luke’s Church Of England Primary School
Tel: 01223 566879
Primary Office Contact Person:
Office Co-ordinator
School Address:
French’s Road
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